Monday, June 30, 2008

Tenure -The Holy Grail of a Professors Life

For a professor tenure is a big deal! Holy grail might be a bit strong-there's always full-professor!

As defined by the Institute for Higher Learning (the big wigs who govern the state colleges of Mississippi) tenure "serves the best interests of the faculty and the University by protecting faculty members from dismissal... In our society we regard the acquisition of knowledge to be of paramount importance; and society, through enlightened self-interest, provides the University as a place for teaching and learning. Tenure in universities provides protection that scholars require and serves society’s aspirations that scholars should have freedom of expression."

So Jay (John) received tenure in June! Yippie! Now he can continue being the radical that he is with a certain measure of safety! He was also promoted to Associate Professor!

To mark the occasion, his wife (me) had an elaborate plan for a surprise party that amazingly everyone actually kept the secret and he claims to have been geniuely surprised to find out that Sarah's going away party was actually his tenure party!

We decided to view it as funny rather than a tragedy that the local bakery spelled tenure "tensure" and put a bad imitation of Cookie Monster rather than Jay's favorite muppet Grover on the cake! We even sang the tenure song-there was no speech-Dr. Green said now that he had tenure no speeches were required-Alkie chastised him for "pulling the tenure card already".

We had guests from far and wide (facilitated by Jolana's wedding the same weekend). Thanks to Katie and Jon for making time during your visit from DC and to Anna and Roger for driving in from Louisiana and convincing Jay's this was the only weekend for the carpet installation and of course the carpet! All the folks who drove in from around the Delta.

Many thanks to Cameron, Sarah, Amy, Emily, and Emily's Jay for the cooking. Thanks to everyone for keeping the secret!

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