Friday, June 20, 2008

Speaking of Mom's-My favorite job!

I love being a mom and a wife, it gives me more pleasure than anything-even though I love my job, but if a had to make a choice today there would be not contest--hands down--mom--all the way!

My husband really is my best friend and my son Tony at sixteen is also one of my close confidants, though he'll be the first to tell you that doesn't cloud my judgment when he's in trouble, just ask him about the hole in his wall (no mom this is not comparable to the one I put in the wall at 15!). Edye at seven keeps us all in giggles-and has almost from the moment she was born! Tony used to say that we had her to entertain the rest of us!

I recommend having your children almost 10 years apart, mine are very close, Edye kind of worships Tony and Tony is a great protector. Don't get me wrong they do fight and usually over something stupid, but they also play, read, and draw together! Sometimes there are challenges, Tony has play practice from 6-9, Jay is teaching from 6-9 and Edye goes to bed at 7:30pm-who is picking up Tony? But the benefits outway the complications!

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