Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jay's 36 Hour Tuesday

Four planes and and 36 hours after beginning his Tuesday morning in Shanghai Jay finally made it to the Memphis airport! [Most of ya'll already know this still means a 2 hour drive home]!

I must say I was very glad to see him! There were several times throughout the day when delayed planes and tight connections led me to believe it might drag out until Wednesday. Luckily I had a hotel room in Memphis and I hung out there until his plane arrived almost two hours late at 11:58pm.

After a short night in Memphis we have made it home and he is doing his very best to stay awake until tonight to help with adjusting from the 13 hour time difference. [I put a certain 7 year old on the job.]

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay! Glad he made it home. He looks so happy in this picture despite the 36-hour day:)