Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Greens Memorial Day

So at the last minute last week when we found out my sister in law was going home we decided to drive 10 hours home so we could see them! So we hit the road Friday May 23rd in our lovely bright green Focus intending to return to Mississippi by Monday night for cocktails with my mother! Slight glitch-the lovely green Focus decided that it liked Decatur, IL better than Mississippi and refused to leave. So two extra nights in a hotel and too many meals out we made it back to Mississippi in our.....brand new...2008 Silver Focus! We love the new car, which was on the horizon soon anyway--I miss my wagon of bright green--it had a lot of character, but the new one my seven year old describes as the "Green's Family Sports Car" and we got 40 miles to the gallon!

All is well that ends well!

The Green's Green Focus Wagon unique and loved by one and all!

The Green's Gray Focus Sedan (since for some reason Ford does not feel a wagon is necessary anymore! Threee words --Hybrid Focus Wagon!) Growing on all of us!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


The slumber party actually turned out well. Pizza was made, eaten and loved! They all enjoyed the movie I netflixed-Alvin and the Chipmunks-even the two who saw it at school that day. I will forever be amazed that my children watch non-educational movies at school! But that is another story and shall be told at another time.

I got the girls to bed by 10pm which was only an hour later than I'd planned. Had I then actually gone to sleep things might have been really rosy! However--I was waiting for the husband to call and the teenager to get home and reading a good book. Husband called--still no teenager--it was graduation night here and with friends graduating and parties to attend he showed up at 12:30am--don't worry he called earlier to check in--so he comes in and we talk about graduation, the party etc-forget sleep-I love that at sixteen my kid really talks to me about his life! I finally turned out the lights 1:30am--2:00am somebody wanted their mommy-easily taken care of and this morning she was so proud of herself she came into my room and shouted "I did it, I love sleepovers!" However my child instigated the --wake everyone up at 6:45am thing--amazingly the teenager sleep through all-although he locked his door-which turned out to be a good idea as "scare big brother and jump on big brother to wake him up" were on the list of activities his sister created.

Anyway here I am tired, waiting for the teenager to get home (he's on a date!) and the husband to call...wait I think I've been here before...BUT the important thing is tomorrow is Sunday
and life returns to normal or as normal as it gets in this household!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Feeling Smug!

I am feeling rather smug this afternoon. In one lunch hour I:

1. Made pizza dough from flour yeast and things-it is slowly rising in the frig and we speak!
2. Made pizza sauce from tomatoes, garlic and other secret ingredients.
3. Made and ate a healthy lunch-whole wheat pasta, carrots, broccoli and baked chicken in an olive oil red pepper sauce!
4. Did the dishes!
5. Made it back to work with two minutes to spare!

Don't worry someone will knock me down from my pedestal soon-until then I will enjoy the view-I've always wanted to be tall!

Okay I confess-I did not actually sit down to eat the yummy lunch-gotta multitask!

Call it Insanity!

So at some point this week I went insane most likely from lack of adult companionship-Sunday can not come soooon enough! I realize that on some level my 16 year old can and does hold an adult conversation, however let's face it he's 16 and there are friends home from college to see, a girl and a movie and graduations to attend etc etc...

In my insanity I have agreed that my seven year old can have not one, not two, but three other girls over for a slumber party-did I mention this is our first-I am thinking we should have started smaller. My husband says better you than me and hopes there is no evidence when he returns. At some point I should tell him about the hole the other child put in the wall...he will learn to patch this weekend!

My daughter has written out a schedule of what they will do this evening-which included "set alarm for 12:00am"-luckily I was advised of said schedule and that activity has been deleted from the list! If we actually stuck to the schedule things would probably go smoothly-but I can't image that actually happening!

So now you ask, what am I doing on my lunch break today? If you said making pizza sauce, dough etc to prepare for this adventure you when the prize! Then back to work, then carpool, then work, then home to wait for chaos to ensue.