Friday, May 16, 2008

Call it Insanity!

So at some point this week I went insane most likely from lack of adult companionship-Sunday can not come soooon enough! I realize that on some level my 16 year old can and does hold an adult conversation, however let's face it he's 16 and there are friends home from college to see, a girl and a movie and graduations to attend etc etc...

In my insanity I have agreed that my seven year old can have not one, not two, but three other girls over for a slumber party-did I mention this is our first-I am thinking we should have started smaller. My husband says better you than me and hopes there is no evidence when he returns. At some point I should tell him about the hole the other child put in the wall...he will learn to patch this weekend!

My daughter has written out a schedule of what they will do this evening-which included "set alarm for 12:00am"-luckily I was advised of said schedule and that activity has been deleted from the list! If we actually stuck to the schedule things would probably go smoothly-but I can't image that actually happening!

So now you ask, what am I doing on my lunch break today? If you said making pizza sauce, dough etc to prepare for this adventure you when the prize! Then back to work, then carpool, then work, then home to wait for chaos to ensue.


Sarah said...

Hooray for blogs!

Julianne said...

You're a braver woman than me!